Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Murrysville Community Day 2007

Westmoreland Conservancy Display at
Murrysville Community Day 2007
by Mark Emerson

The 2007 Murrysville Community Day took place on Saturday, August 25th. Displays were set up at the Public Works municipal garage area near the municipal building. In addition an artwork show and plant displays were held in the Municipal Building itself over the same weekend.

The Conservancy display included a selection of invasive plants, a discussion by a wildlife rehabilitator, pass out information of a variety of Conservancy-related topics, and a display of photos and Maps showing Conservancy involvement and opportunities.

The Conservancy has joined a municipality-sponsored drive to rid, or at least control, the spread of invasive plant species in municipal parks. Although the accent is on public lands, private owners are encouraged to consider their own backyards as well. In order to more completely inform the public a sampling of actual plants was provided by Pia Van de Venne, the municipality's Coordinator of Park Volunteers. The display added some ‘reality’ to the vegetation that citizens may have been reading about but haven't really had the opportunity to see. Plants were provided with a name tag applied. More than once comments were heard like "Gee, I have that plant all over my backyard but didn't realize…" or "I know someone that actually bought that plant!".

Beth Shoaf, representing Wildlife Works, Inc., near Youngwood, brought along two box turtles (Doc and 3 Toes) and a corn snake, aptly named `Niblets'. She corn snakespoke for quite awhile on the subtle details of the reptiles, including their habitat range, food likes, and other information. She also gave a very interested group of visitors some insight into the specific life history of each of the animals on display. Her presentation was informal, generally a question and answer period.a visitor The animals were very well received, and discussions were held concerning her returning with additional specimens at a later date, perhaps next year.

Most of the photos were taken by Conservancy members. If other members have taken photos relevant to Conservancy activities and goals, and would like to share them, arrangements can be made to include some in next year's display