Friday, November 20, 2009

Scavenger Hunt - Winter 2005

Scavenger Hunt
The Westmoreland Conservancy held its first scavenger hunt at the King Nature Reserve on February 26th. It was nice to see several large groups of people turn out on a winter's day. There was plenty of snow on the ground and the sun was shining. Everyone seemed to have lots of fun. Thanks to all who attended and to the many people who contributed to make this event a success. We hope to see everyone out to the next scavenger hunt.

(left to right) Barbara Kochaniak, Hana and Lubomir Katzerova, Blanka and Ladia Joza:
Barbara Kochaniak,  Hana and Lubomir Katzerova, Blanka and Ladia Joza
The group at the end of the Hunt
The adults (L-R): Blanka Joza, Ladia Joza, Hana Katzerova, Lisa Hyland, Doug Bauman and Lubomir Katzerova
The youth: Anthony Katzerova in back next to Hana; L-R in front: Matt Katzerova, Eric Hyland in orange, Adam Polakovsky

Guide List:
For the following items, note that any of these items will do. For instance, we are not looking for a particular log across a creek, but any log across a creek.  Note that the leaves don't have to be yellow or red.  Provide description of location:  
a beech tree
a shag bark hickory tree
an ash tree
a white oak tree
a sycamore tree
club moss
a fallen log over a stream
a boulder
a green fern
moss on a log
fungus on a log
an icicle (weather permitting)
holly bush
deer exclosures (one point for each)
a bench
a bridge
a stone foundation
Bring back:
a beech leaf
a shag bark hickory leaf
a white oak leaf
a red oak leaf
a maple leaf
a pine needle
an acorn
1 or more pieces of trash (bonus points available)
a pinecone
4 rocks of different colors and shapes
top of aster plant
top of goldenrod plant
There will be surprise bonus points and questions tallied at the end of the event so keep a keen eye open even for things not on your list! Remember that this is for fun, and that it isn't necessary to find every item, just do the best you can.